In your application, Tell us about your business and the challenge you want to address clearly. You must identify or demonstrate a productivity problem or challenge to be successful in the evaluation process.
Increase your chances of success by highlighting the following where possible:
An Increasing Cost Base:
Let us know if there are increasing costs that prevent you from delivering more of your product or service profitably. These costs may arise when you need to pursue new opportunities in your market. Cost increase could also be the result of challenging market conditions, or more competition.
Potential Value Add or Productivity Improvements:
If you have the potential to increase output by using more productive work practices, better resources or by adding value through improving operations, tell us where the opportunity is.
Job Creation:
Explain how this will help you maintain or increase employment in your company long term.
Demonstrate that your business has the available resources to implement any recommendations provided by the productivity programme.
Innovation Potential:
Identify key opportunities for innovating within your business.