Application Phase Complete

The National Productivity Challenge is Here

It’s not easy being an SME. You’ve survived startup and it’s time to build your business into a more viable, productive player in an increasingly challenging market. There’s a lot of potential to be tapped, a lot of things you need to fix, a lot of improvements needed to survive the challenges ahead. And to top it off, you’ve built a working team that depends on your leadership.

Develop A More Productive, Efficient, Streamlined Business

We are ready to help you make it happen, if you are ready. Ready to take a hard look at your business? Are you ready to use what you’ve got to improve your operation? Are you receptive to expert advice? If so, join the Productivity Challenge – a national programme that wants to help your small business do better; by funding, resourcing and advising you towards a more productive future.

The Scheme is a competitive funding initiative for a limited time only.

Apply For A €2500 Productivity Voucher

Apply now for one of our 200 productivity vouchers valued at €2,500 each, designed to enhance your business efficiency, productivity and operation

The productivity voucher scheme is

A national programme supporting small Irish businesses with expert advice and resources. Made possible by 500K in government funding. Now open to applications from all sectors. 

Are You Eligible?

Click below and scan our eligibility checklist. Find out if your business qualifies for this excellent opportunity to boost your business productivity.

Who Can Apply

Steps To A Successful Application

All you have to do is fill in our online form. Nevertheless it’s a highly competitive process as only 200 vouchers are available. You will need to make your case. We’ve given you some tips below.

How To Apply

Quick Look Productivity Scenarios

Have a quick look here at our 1-minute Productivity Scenarios, Here are some practical snapshots to help you kickstart your application

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Which Sectors May Apply?

Open to all Sectors: If you are an SME based in Ireland, you are invited to apply for the productivity vouchers

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With an Investment Fund of €500,000, the Productivity Challenge is now open.